We’re Proud To Announce The Winners of the 9th Annual Berlin International Spirits Competition!

Thanks to everyone who participated in another smashing year in Berlin!

250+ Submissions
16+ Countries
50+ Categories

The 9th Annual BISC Took Place August 27-28, 2022 in Berlin

The 9th Annual Berlin International Spirits Competition featured over 250 spirits submitted from 16 countries. The trade-buyer judges were excited by the quality as well as the diversity of the spirits submitted. The 10th Annual Berlin International Spirits Competition will be held in Summer 2023.

Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award
Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award
Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award
Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award

Austria Liqueur Distillery of the Year
Wiener Grant

Denmark Distillery of the Year

Germany Whiskey Distillery of the Year

Gin of the Year
Heritage Magnolia Gin

Irish Whiskey of the Year
Proper 12

Italy Distillery of the Year
Distillerie Tenute 

Liqueur of the Year
Stardust Shimmery Liqueur Peach & Lemongrass

Rum Distillery of the Year

Rye Distillery of the Year
Uncle Nearest

Tequila Distillery of the Year

Vodka of the Year
Baxter Vodka

USA Whiskey Distillery of the Year
Garrison Brothers

Submit Your Spirits

Find out how to submit your product to be tasted by working European trade buyers, representing the finest restaurants, hotels, and retail establishments on the continent: