We’re Proud To Announce The Winners of the 12th Annual Berlin International Spirits Competition!

Thanks to everyone who participated in another smashing year in Berlin!

The 12th Annual BISC Took Place in Berlin

The 12th Annual Berlin International Spirits Competition featured over 250 spirits submitted from 16 countries. The trade-buyer judges were excited by the quality as well as the diversity of the spirits submitted. The 13th Annual Berlin International Spirits Competition will be held in Summer 2026.

Caribbean Rum Producer of the Year

Chile Gin of the Year
Gin Malcriado

Pisco Producer of the Year
Tipico Pisco

Croatia Distillery of the Year

Croatia Brandy Distillery of the Year

Czech Distillery of the Year

Czech Gin Distillery of the Year
Little Urban Distillery

Czech Liqueur Distillery of the Year
Bernard Family Brewery

France Gin of the Year
Epicurians Gin

Hungary Distillery of the Year
Zimek Plainka 

India Agave Distillery of the Year

India Gin of the Year
Terai India Craft Gin

India Whiskey of the Year
Doaab India Craft Whiskey

Ireland Bitters Producer of the Year
Beara Bitters

Ireland Blended Whiskey Distillery of the Year
Beara Distillery

Ireland Gin of the Year
Muckross Irish Gin

Ireland Single Malt Distillery of the Year
Tipperary Distillery

Israel Distillery of the Year
Olgar Distillery

Italy Distillery of the Year

Amaro of the Year 
Amaro del Carso

Aperitif of the Year

Italy Gin of the Year
Vagin Lover

Japan Fruit Liqueurs of the Year
Ile Four

Luxembourg Gin of the Year
Entre Nous

Blanco Tequila of the Year
Bandero Blanco

Moldova Distillery of the Year

Netherlands Distillery of the Year
Bottle Distillery 

New Zealand Distillery of the Year
Coromandel Distilling Co.

Poland Gin Distillery of the Year
3city Distillery

Poland Whiskey Distillery of the Year
Ima Distillery

Portugal Brandy Distillery of the Year

Serbia Cream Liquour Distillery of the Year
Destilerija Draganic

Spain Rum of the Year
Mentidero Rum

Switzerland Vodka of the Year
Vodka 57

Thailand Gin of the Year

Thailand Rum of the Year

Ukraine Brandy Distillery of the Year

Uruguay Gin of the Year
Sur 34 Gin

American Blended Whiskey Producer of the Year
Old Ozarkian Distillery

USA Distillery of the Year
Hidden Ships Distillery

USA Rum Distillery of the Year

USA Whiskey Distillery of the Year
Uncle Nearest

USA Vodka Distillery of the Year
Holistic Spirits 

Venezuela Rum of the Year
1905 5 YR Rare Old Rum

Submit Your Spirits

Find out how to submit your product to be tasted by working European trade buyers, representing the finest restaurants, hotels, and retail establishments on the continent: